PopImpressKA Art Couture: PopImpressKA in Aruba images by Tony Filson/KissMyKite
PopImpressKA Art Couture:
Photography: Tony Filson/ KissMyKite
Style and MUA: Helene Filson
Location: Aruba
DESIGNER Olga Papkovitch
LINE PopImpressKA Couture
PHOTO Tony Filson
PROPS Aruba Active Vations
Tony Filson:
“Here is another shot, I loved of Sanne I opened the PopImpressKA archives on my new editing machines and some of these shots are beautiful.
Sanne had on a black velvet one-piece with a parrot from one of Olga’s oil paintings. Sanne being such a natural in front of the camera, made this work so well. Thank you Olga for your beautiful couture swimwear and thank you Sanne for being such a professional and strikingly beautiful model. The Hobie Cat was even happy that day!
Hobie Cat courtesy of Aruba Active Vacations
Kissmykite Fashion Tony Filson PopImpressKA Journal Olga Papkovitch PopImpressKA Aruba Active Vacations Hobie Cat Aruba Bonbini Sanne Sanne”
and just like that…
The Miracle of this World is our Devine Creation…
Devine Creator is in every detail.. works through everything and everybody involved…
“ All that we do is by a Devine Design”. - PopImpressKA